The collective network of sports industry professionals from both Ohio University and U.S. Integrity has provided an all-star lineup of expertise for our Sports Gambling Education program. Learn more about each course lecturer and webinar panelist in the links below.
The following list of sports industry professionals have lent their expertise to one or more of our Sports Gambling Education online courses.
The Sports Gambling Education webinar series has proudly hosted the following list of expert panelists.
Senior Associate Commissioner of Men's Basketball & Sport Administration, West Coast Conference
Easy Online Tuition Payment • 100% Online • Learn at Your Own Pace • Interact with Experts
Start Today"This is an example of what Ohio University has done best in our graduate program: activate our stakeholders, our alumni base, and friends of the program to really give the most detailed and informed opinions and education on the subject.”
- Matt Cacciato, Director of Ohio University’s Masters of Sports Administration Program
Mastering Legalized Sports Gambling - contain three courses. Earn a certificate from Ohio University’s AECOM Center for Sports Administration for completing each course and a Master Certificate for achieving all three. Complete your coursework anywhere in the world with Edlumina’s online education platform. Each class features high-quality video lectures and activities, interactive assessments, downloadable resources, and functionality on any computer or smart device. Certification prepares you for future challenges related to the sports industry and demonstrates your commitment to integrity, compliance, and responsible operations in the increasingly legalized sports gambling industry.
Certificates achieved in the SGE Program are not credit-bearing and may not be applicable towards degree programs at Ohio University or other institutions of higher learning.
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